Surabaya, February 19, 2025 – Petra Christian University (PCU) Library once again presents an educational program beneficial to the community. This time, through the workshop titled “Bunda Belajar, Anak Pintar”, the event served as a platform for Bunda PAUD to enhance their knowledge in educating young children. This workshop is a
Surabaya, February 19, 2025 – Petra Christian University (PCU) Library once again presents an educational program beneficial to the community. This time, through the workshop titled “Bunda Belajar, Anak Pintar”, the event served as a platform for Bunda PAUD to enhance their knowledge in educating young children. This workshop is a
Surabaya, 12 February 2025 – PCU Library proudly presents Love Letters From God, an exhibition dedicated to showcasing the richness of Christian literature. This month-long exhibition invites visitors to explore a curated collection of inspiring books that convey messages of love, faith, and devotion. Located at the Exhibition Area on the
Surabaya, February 19, 2025 – Petra Christian University (PCU) Library once again presents an educational program beneficial to the community. This time, through the workshop titled “Bunda Belajar, Anak Pintar”, the event served as a platform for Bunda PAUD to enhance their knowledge in educating young children. This workshop is a
Surabaya, 12 February 2025 – PCU Library proudly presents Love Letters From God, an exhibition dedicated to showcasing the richness of Christian literature. This month-long exhibition invites visitors to explore a curated collection of inspiring books that convey messages of love, faith, and devotion. Located at the Exhibition Area on the
The Windmolen Kerstboom or “Windmill Christmas Tree” was officially launched with a fun and lively event filled with music, activities, and cheerful moments for everyone. The Christmas tree is a symbol of joy and celebration in welcoming the birth of Christ. For Christmas 2024, Petra Christian University presents the “Windmolen Kerstboom” or
Literacy Seminar at SMA Petra 2 Surabaya: “Introduction to AI and How to Use It Wisely” PCU Library recently held a Literacy Seminar at SMA Petra 2 Surabaya with the theme “Introduction to AI and How to Use It Wisely.” This seminar aimed to introduce high school students to the
The Science Film Festival 2024 was an exciting and inspiring event where students had the chance to learn about science in a fun and creative way! This year’s festival carried the theme “Net Zero and the Circular Economy,” focusing on sustainability, protecting the environment, and finding solutions for a better future. The films shown
Pesan yang Datang Belakangan, written by Didiet Maulana, offers readers a deeply reflective and poignant exploration of life, love, and the intricate messages we often miss in the hustle and bustle of our daily routines. Maulana, known for his thoughtful writing, crafts a narrative that encourages introspection and highlights the
PCU Library recently hosted the seminar “Libraries For All: Advancing Disability Services in the Digital and Physical Realms,” a significant event aimed at raising awareness and promoting inclusion within library services for individuals with disabilities. The seminar brought together library professionals, educators, and advocates to explore strategies for improving both digital and
We are excited to share that our recent community service event at Yayasan Cinta Baca in Sidoarjo was a great success! This time, we focused on teaching money literacy in a fun and engaging way through a special game designed by the Architecture Department (Led by Mr. Gunawan Tanuwidjaja, S.T.,
Our “Library 101: Getting to Know Your Library” exhibition was a great way for new students and visitors to learn about what our library has to offer. This event was set up to introduce everyone to the basics of using the library, with displays showing all the different resources and
July 28 to August 3, 2024 Professional Development Workshop on Library & Information Services (PDWLIS) 2024 brings an exciting opportunity for library professionals from the Maldives to explore global advancements in library and information science. This program is designed to provide insights into how libraries are adapting and growing. As part
Petra Christian University Library hosted an engaging event titled “Old but New: Kota Lama Surabaya”. This event featured a talkshow and an exhibition that celebrated the history and ongoing development of Surabaya’s old town. The exhibition showcased a fascinating collection of photographs comparing the past and present of Surabaya. Visitors
The students of the Materials Engineering course, guided by Prof. Dr. Juliana Anggono, S.T., M.Sc., successfully organized the Festival of Materials Exhibition. The event featured an array of innovative projects and welcomed enthusiastic students from SDN Siwalankerto II. The festival provided an exciting platform for learning and collaboration, highlighting the
Menuju masa depan yang lebih inklusif! 🚀✨ Talkshow: Membangun Masa Depan Disabilitas Tanpa Batas telah diadakan di area pameran Perpustakaan PCU Lantai 6. Acara ini dihadiri oleh tamu undangan dari SLB YPAB, siswa-siswi Budhi dan alumni, beberapa anggota Komisi Nasional Disabilitas, serta rekan-rekan mahasiswa PCU.
Exciting news for book enthusiasts and seekers of wisdom! we’ve got something special lined up for you – a new episode of #BookTalk on YouTube, featuring a deep dive into the profound insights of “Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn” by John C. Maxwell. But that’s not all – this
In an era where social media dominates the digital landscape, mastering the art of crafting engaging and persuasive content is essential for businesses and individuals alike. Recognizing this need, a seminar titled “The Art of Writing in Social Media” was held on Friday, March 22, 2024, offering some Petranesians valuable
Led by Mr. Gunawan Tanuwidjaja, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IAI. (lecturer from Architecture PCU) and a collaboration with PCU Library, we take initiative saw to impart valuable literacy skills to the children of Yayasan Cinta Baca Sidoarjo. The event not only showcased the commitment of the PCU community to making a
As students return to campus after the holiday break, PCU Library extends a warm welcome with its latest exhibition, “Falling In Love With PCU Library.” Designed to celebrate both the joy of coming back to campus and the spirit of the month of love, February, this exhibition offers a captivating
During the Christmas celebration of 2023, PCU Library proudly presented a unique and meaningful Christmas tree named the “Chinese Ornament Christmas Tree.” This Christmas tree embodies the rich cultural spirit of Christmas, depicting the diversity and beauty of Chinese traditions. It was created in accordance with this year’s University Christmas
#Booktalk series is an initiative where Petranesians, as students of PCU are affectionately known, come together to discuss thought-provoking books and exchange insights with peers and members of the wider community. This edition of #Booktalk takes a unique approach by inviting high school students undergoing internship programs at PCU Library
Seminar hybrid bertujuan untuk mengatasi tantangan dan peluang yang dihadirkan oleh kemajuan terbaru dalam AI, seperti ChatGPT, Midjourney, dan Stable Diffusion, dalam memerangi disinformasi menjelang tahun pemilu 2024 yang penting di Indonesia. Seminar tersebut memiliki arti penting bagi proses demokrasi Indonesia dan integritas pemilihan presiden Indonesia 2024 mendatang. Kampanye disinformasi
Sebagai persembahan untuk Ulang Tahun Kota Surabaya yang ke 730, Surabaya Memory 2023 ingin mengangkat tema “Surabaya Memory Peduli UMKM”. Tema ini sejalan dengan Program Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Surabaya untuk terus meningkatkan ekonomi kerakyatan dengan cara menggerakkan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Format kegiatanya berupa rangkaian acara pengabdian masyarakat
PCU Library kembali mengadakan bedah buku. Kali ini buku yang akan dibahas adalah “Katjang Tjina” dalam Kuliner Nusantara yang ditulis oleh Ary Budiyanto, S.S., M.A. (Dosen Program Studi Antropologi Universitas Brawijaya). Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah kultural pecel, pecak, rujak, gado-gado, dan sambal kacangnya yang disertai dengan sejarah keberadaan kacang
In the spirit of Christmas, PCU Library has introduced a special Christmas tree for this year’s festivities. Unlike traditional trees, this one stands at 7 meters tall and is made from 148 wooden signposts. It’s a sight to behold! The idea behind this tree goes beyond just decoration. It’s meant
Pada abad 21 ini, peran seorang guru semakin kompleks, tidak hanya sekedar memberikan materi dan bimbingan dalam menguasai kompetensi yang diamanatkan kurikulum namun juga harus membentuk siswa memiliki karakter yang baik yang menghargai nilai-nilai moral maupun spiritual. Di satu sisi, pustakawan sekolah dapat bersinergi dengan guru kelas maupun guru mata
Tatkala membayangkan suatu ancaman terhadap lingkungan, hal yang cenderung muncul dalam pemikiran kita adalah kendaraan dan kawasan perkotaan, bukannya makanan yang tersaji. Padahal, kebutuhan manusia terhadap makanan merupakan salah satu bahaya terbesar bagi penghuni bumi. Science Film Festival 2018 hendak mengeksplorasi isu seputar gizi dan upaya memenuhi kebutuhan populasi global